Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Toil: The Study & The Kitchen

What with starting a new job and all, I have said that I have to be realistic about the fact that this is not going to be the summer of getting the house all organized.  That said, having my job interview and all the preparation before and after it  right after taking the Girl Scouts camping in May, and then cleaning out my classroom and my old car in June ... well, the mess has been way beyond our usual mess...and the house usually looks like a school, a library and a craft store exploded in it.

Some organizing is pretty necessary at this time.

Especially since the new neighbor children are moving in next door...tomorrow.

I spent yesterday cleaning up the "study" - AKA Girl Scout and School-Related-Stuff Central and Lone Star Pa spent today working on the kitchen while I was driving the long road to pick up the Girl from camp and bring her back home (scary bat story to follow).

Now, he's in That Zone of Horror in which he is sick of working on the kitchen but much remains to be done.  I am off to scrub the bathroom.

That's going to have to be enough for now. 

The Lone Star Baby did a great job on her room, though and is happy with how I organized the study and is learning how to sweep.  Sunny side up, people!


Unknown said...

Will you still be teaching? I hope the new job is a great one! :)

Lone Star Ma said...

Getting to combine teaching and social work now!

Hystery said...

Transitional times. I try to remember that transition is fertile ground for creativity, but mostly, I just get annoyed by the mess.