Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Funny Story About Reproduction And Cable TV And Rude Cartoons

The other day, the Lone Star Girl came home from school with a funny story from her HL Biology class.  She said they were talking about different types of reproduction and the teacher asked the class if they could name an animal that reproduces by budding.

My daughter said that the whole class, except for one other student and herself, all yelled "Sponges!"

"How did you know that?" my daughter, used to being the one with the answers, incredulously asked her classmates.  

"Didn't you watch Sponge Bob when you were little?" asked her teacher.

"We didn't have cable," she muttered, embarrassed.  She left out that her mother finds that cartoon rude and doesn't let her sister watch it now that we do have cable.  I guess it's pretty educational, though!

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

That is funny. I can relate to being left out (as it were) by television pop culture references, and kind of wish I'd had Schoolhouse Rock. FYI, my daughter can't hear that television show mentioned without feeling queasy. I concur.