Monday, July 16, 2012

Texas Republicans Think Science Is Subjective

One of the things that is most disturbing to many educated people about the far right is their total willingness to ignore science and their desire to withhold science education from our children, or to treat scientific theories as on a par with spiritual theories rather than as the two entirely different topics that they are.  The 2012 Texas Republican Party Platform has this to say:

"We support objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories. We believe theories such as life origins and environmental change should be taught as challengeable scientific theories subject to change as new data is produced. Teachers and students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind."

Let's ignore the fact that "challengeable" is not actually a word for the moment out of the bigness of our character.  Vague religious beliefs and market-driven opinions are Not Science.  Believing in science is not, for that matter, at odds with religion.  Science and religion are not, however, the same things.  Only science should be taught in public schools.  Religion is learned in homes and private, religious schools and institutions of worship.  

Separation of church and state, people.  We need to be clear on this.  Please.


Hystery said...

It is funny to me that there are folks who don't believe in evolution. I can understand how they must feel. I have a hard time believing in Creationists. They don't seem possible to me at all.

Lone Star Ma said...

I especially have a hard time with mothers who don't believe in evolution. I feel evolution quite profoundly as a mother - my own instincts left over from circumstances in humanity's past which are entirely foreign to me personally and culturally, the instincts of my children when they were infants and Totally Sure that wild animals would eat them if I put them down, all the lizard brain stuff that comes out when you have to be a fierce mama - how could a mother deny that? I just don't get it.