Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8th Birthday Fun

On Monday, the Lone Star Baby's actual birthday, we got up early so she could open her presents before Lone Star Pa went to work.  She named her favorite present Clover:

 Clover is a Campbell Russian Dwarf hamster.  She's quite adorable and sweet and full of curiosity, which surprises me, what with her brain having to be much smaller than a pea, I expect.  The Lone Star Baby is twitterpated.

After presents, the girls and I went out to breakfast and then for a quick jaunt to the beach.  After we got home and Lone Star Pa got home, we went out for linner (I see no reason why this should not be a word if brunch is a word) and then had the grandparents and Jazz over for cake and ice cream.

It's the season of many cakes around here in June.

The Lone Star Baby tried to stay up until 11pm, the time when she was born, but she sacked out a bit after ten - it's been a busy couple of days.

Happy Birthday, Baby.

1 comment:

gojirama said...

Awwww! That hamster is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!