Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Happy, Hard-Working Girl

The Lone Star Girl's sophomore year has gotten off to a good start.  She mostly likes her classes, is learning a lot, and is enjoying a whirlwind of clubs.  She enjoys doing the announcements at school and having a free eighth period to work on her homework or have adventures with her friends.  Girl Scouts has started and she is looking forward to the Leadership Institute at the National Conference in November.  She has moved into a faster lane at swim practice and did great at her meet today.  They got their first class ranks as sophomores on Friday and she was all about finding hers out.  She expected to be in the top 20 kids and would have been (silly Girl) very upset not to be but she did not expect the rank she got - 6 out of 532 kids.  She was so happy she about cried.

She is happy and hard-working and sweet.  I am one one lucky mama.

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

Hurrah, LSG! My, how you've grown. :)